What is responsible tourism and why is it important

HAUS OF NOMADS TRAVEL is a proud member of Global Sustainable Tourism Council. GSTC is the world's top environmental and sustainability organisation, regulates, updates and manages the global standards created to ensure sustainability in travel and tourism, known as the GSTC Criteria.

So let's talk about responsible tourism. You probably wonder what does it mean to travel responsibly?

From Greta Thunberg embarking on her sail to the 2019 UN Climate Action Summit in New York aboard a racing yacht, to hotels embracing eco-friendly practices by eliminating single-use plastics, to travelers like you opting for the Eurostar train between London and Paris—a commitment to sustainable travel is increasingly prevalent and influential.

Sustainable travel, also known as responsible or eco-friendly travel, is a way of exploring the world while minimizing the negative impact on the environment, selecting accommodations that prioritize environmental sustainability, consuming locally sourced and ethically produced foods, and refraining from harmful activities. Sustainable tourism encompasses various types of travel, including leisure, business, event-related, and visits to friends and family. It involves making conscious choices to support the long-term well-being of the destinations and people you encounter.

Key principles of sustainable travel include:

•           Environmental Conservation is a set of principles and practices aimed at reducing the negative impact of human activities on the natural environment. This involves strategies like minimizing your carbon footprint through energy conservation, water preservation, and responsible waste management. It also includes choosing eco-friendly transportation options and staying in accommodations that implement sustainable practices.

Traveling by train

Travel Across Europe by Train

•           Supporting Local Communities in responsible tourism involves travelers engaging with and respecting the local culture and customs. It means supporting local businesses, artisans, and services, and positively contributing to the economic development of the destination. This approach promotes cross-cultural understanding, helps preserve the unique character of the community, and ensures that the economic benefits of tourism reach the local population.

Supporting your local community

Supporting your local community

•           Wildlife Protection, within responsible tourism, involves the avoidance of activities that harm or exploit wildlife. Instead, it emphasizes choosing responsible wildlife encounters that prioritize animal welfare. This approach safeguards natural habitats, ensures the well-being of wildlife, and promotes ethical interactions with animals, all of which are vital for preserving the Earth's biodiversity and ecosystems.

Eco Safari in Tanzanie

Eco Safari in Tanzanie

•           Preserving Natural Landscapes in responsible tourism involves visiting and enjoying natural attractions while preserving their integrity. This is achieved by staying on designated paths to avoid disturbing delicate ecosystems, refraining from littering, and respecting protected areas such as national parks and wildlife reserves. This approach aims to minimize the environmental impact and maintain the pristine beauty of natural landscapes for future generations to appreciate.

California's Mountains

•           Minimizing Over-tourism in responsible tourism involves making choices that reduce the strain on popular tourist sites and the communities that host them. Travelers achieve this by selecting less crowded destinations, respecting local carrying capacity, supporting sustainable tourism initiatives, showing cultural sensitivity, and encouraging off-peak travel. This approach promotes a more balanced and harmonious relationship between tourists and the places they visit.

Kayaking is an eco-friendly way to enjoy the outdoors

•           Sustainable Consumption is about being conscious of the environmental consequences of our everyday choices and making decisions that reduce waste, conserve resources, and support eco-friendly products and practices. In the context of responsible tourism, it means applying these principles when traveling, such as reducing single-use plastics, conserving water and energy in accommodations, and supporting local, sustainable businesses.

Sustainable consumption that minimizes impacts on the environment

Sustainable consumption that minimizes impacts on the environment

•           Education and Awareness in responsible tourism involve travelers seeking to understand and respect the destinations they visit. This includes learning about their history, culture, and unique challenges, which enriches the travel experience. Responsible tourists also actively promote awareness of sustainable travel practices and prioritize environmental and social responsibility, contributing positively to the places they visit.

Knowledge is Power

Responsible travel aims to create a positive impact on the environment and communities while providing a meaningful and enriching travel experience for the traveler. It acknowledges the interconnectedness of the world and the importance of preserving it for future generations.